How the daughter of Baron Moynihan 3rd was cover in bullet

Gun, Money, Crime, Wooden, Table, Drugs

 The daughter of Baron Moynihan 3rd , accused of selling drugs to celebrities, has been shot dead amid a bloody war on drugs in the Philippines.
The bullet-ridden body of Aurora Moynihan, the daughter of the 3rd Baron Moynihan, was pictured sprawled on the ground in Manila next to a chilling sign that read: 'Pusher to the celebrities, you are next.’
The 45-year-old was found with four sachets of shabu, or methamphetamine, and 'other drug paraphernalia' after being placed on a police drugs watch list, according to police.

CCTV , released by police, shows the moments before she was shot by a passenger as she got out her Toyota SUV at the corner of Temple Drive and Giraffe street in Barangay Ugong Norte.
 Terrified witnesses heard gunshots early yesterday morning before Ms Moynihan’s body was found later in the day.
Her death comes as the Philippines government wages a brutal and bloody war on drugs in the country, which has seen more than 3,000 people killed since July.
President Rodrigo Duterte ordered police to execute drug users and dealers and urged citizens to carry out their own violent justice.
Ms Moynihan was the daughter of notorious trickster Antony Moynihan who fled to the Philippines in the 1970s to escape charges of fraud.
It was here he met belly-dancer Luthgarda Fernandez, his third wife and Ms Moynihan's mother.
When the pair divorced in 1979 Aurora went to live with her father and allegedly fell into the crime world, joining a Filipino cartel.

The notorious playboy died of a heart attack at the age of 55.
A family friend told The Sunday Times: "He was an out-and-out crook.
“The problem, is that Aurora took after him."

She was arrested alongside seven others in 2013 during a raid on a drugs den along with seven others and was part of a syndicate, according to police.
Her sister Maritoni Fernandez, a well-known actress in the Philippines, issued a heartfelt statement about her sister after her death.
She said: "'We as a family have one this point in time and that is to protect her children from further pain and suffering so that they, and we as a family, may take this time to grieve, mourn but most of all celebrate the life of this exceptional human being I will forever have the privilege of calling my sister.’The UN has raised serious concerns about President Duterte - nicknamed Duterte 'Dirty' Harry after the Clint Eastwood renegade law enforcer movie character - approach to ridding the country of drugs and called for an end to the killings of drug traffickers.
As a response the police are believed to have formed so-called 'death squads' to be judge, jury and execuitioner - with no need for a fair trial - in their war on illegal drugs.Duterte has granted cops immunity from prosecution in his draconian attempt to stop the country being choked by a drug epidemic - despite concerns he has in his bid also legitimised mass murder.
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When Duterte came into power in May the Mirror Online reported that he had vowed to behead the bodies of dead criminals , feed them to sharks and previously uses vigilante 'death squads'.
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His zero tolerance approach to law and order doesn't even attempt to disguise his extreme capital punishment agenda for tackling serious crime.
Indeed, he was elected on a pledge of wiping out 100,000 criminals within six months.
Harrowing pictures reveal that he has began that quest in earnest.
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Gruesome images of dead bodies lying in the street displaying 'I'm a pusher' signs on their chests have emerged in his first weeks in power.
More than 300 people are now known to have died - many more suspected - since the beginning of this month in response to his call to action.
In one of the deadliest incidents, police boast they killed eight 'drug personalities' in a pre-dawn raid in a small town outside Manila on Saturday.
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Almost 60,000 Filipino drug addicts - fearing for their lives - have as a consequence now surrendered themselves to the government before they are shot dead.
They can be seen in photos stripped to their underwear - with their hands and feet tied - some with their faces covered in tape and their clothes drenched with blood.
In his first state of the nation address to parliament Duterte declared drugs were "drowning his country" - and had to be stopped whatever the cost.
Making it clear he would pardon police if they were charged with human rights violations for carrying out his orders, Duterte told his police force: "Double your efforts. Triple them if need be."
"We will not stop until the last drug lord, the last financier and the last pusher have surrendered or been put behind bars... or below ground if you wish."
At least 43,000 'drug traffickers' are reported to have been 'neutralised' while 300kg of Shabu - a type of highly-addictive methamphetamine - has been confiscated.
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Official figures released say that more than 110 drug suspects have died since the president came to power - while local news reports that figure is nearer 200 and human rights groups say the figure is nearer 300, not including reprisals.

They are strongly protesting against the summary executions without fair trial - but Duterte apparently has no interest in listening.

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