Trump or Clinton

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Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump have each won the most states on the biggest day of the race for the US presidential nominations.
Mr Trump won seven states while his closest rival, Ted Cruz, took three. The third-placed Republican, Marco Rubio, came in with one.
Speaking in his home state of Texas, Mr Cruz urged other Republicans to quit the race and join him against Mr Trump.
Democrat Bernie Sanders had wins in four states.
Super Tuesday saw 11 states voting, from Massachusetts in the east to Alaska in the north-west. A 12th state, Colorado, held a caucus - won by Mr Sanders - but does not actually select its delegates until April.
Tuesday allocates nearly a quarter of Republican delegates, and about a fifth of Democratic delegates, who will elect their respective presidential candidates at party conventions in July. No candidate has yet won enough delegates to secure their party's nomination.
Mrs Clinton, a former secretary of state, and Mr Trump, a property tycoon, entered Super Tuesday as favorites to win the vast majority of states for their respective parties.
The Democratic front-runner won in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas, Texas and Massachusetts, polling well among blocs of black voters.
Delivering her victory speech from Miami, having moved her campaign to Florida for the primary there on 15 March, in common with other candidates, she appeared to already be looking towards a potential presidential race against Mr Trump.
"The stakes in this election have never been higher and the rhetoric we're hearing on the other side has never been lower," she said.
Donald Trump won the Republican primaries in Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas and Vermont.
The billionaire insisted he had "expanded the Republican party", referring to higher turnout from a broad demographic in states that have already voted.
He described himself as a "unifies" who could put internal fighting in the Republican party behind him and told reporters in Florida: "Once we get all this finished, I'm going after one person - Hillary Clinton."

Mr Trump, a former reality TV star known for his controversial policies on immigration, has stunned the Republican establishment to become the party's front-runner.
He faced heavy criticism this week over his failure to disavow David Duke, a leader of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan, who endorsed him. He later said he had on several occasions in the past disavowed Mr Duke.
Victory in Alaska handed Texas Senator Ted Cruz his third state of the night, after his home state and Oklahoma.
"Our campaign is the only campaign that has beaten, that can beat and that will beat Donald Trump,'' he told supporters at the Redneck Country Club in Stafford, Texas.
Having managed to win only in Minnesota, Marco Rubio will need to shine in Florida, his home state, if he hopes to present a serious challenge to others.

This was a strikingly different Donald Trump who met reporters on Tuesday night. His tone was conciliatory. He was quietly spoken. He said he would be a unified - of the Republican Party, of the nation. He didn't crow and he didn't claim to be the nominee, but he clearly thinks the primary race is effectively over.
This was a man not looking to the next primary, the next bit of slog along that long and exhausting road. This was a man with an eye on the much bigger fight in November, and his presumptive opponent Hillary Clinton.
He graciously congratulated Ted Cruz over his wins in Texas and Oklahoma. No mention last night of him being the biggest liar he's ever met. And no demeaning of Marco Rubio either. Were it not for the unmistakable blond hair and the family members at his side, you might have been forgiven for thinking an imposer had entered the room.
It was Donald 2.0 that we had with us. The trouble, though, when you upload a new operating system (OS) is there are inevitable bugs and glitches. And the new OS takes a bit of getting used to.
And there will be many who say what brought me to the product was the original software. So can and will the new magnanimous Donald be able to keep up will his army of fans like what they see?

Bernie Sanders, a self-styled democratic socialist with a following among young people and liberals, won in his home state Vermont as well as Minnesota and Oklahoma.
Addressing cheering supporters in Vermont, Mr Sanders declared, "We are not going to let the Donald Trumps of the world divide us."
The proportion of votes won equates to the number of delegates who will then go on to the Democratic and Republican parties' national conventions in July to officially choose the nominees for the presidency.
The election itself, on 8 November, will see America vote for a successor to Barack Obama, a Democratic president standing down after two terms in office which have seen the Republicans take control of both houses of Congress.
The Federal Government will soon create grazing zones across the country with a view to checkmating herdsmen/farmers clashes. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbeh, stated this in Abuja on Tuesday during a news conference on the frequent clashes between herdsmen and farmers. “Federal Government would create grazing areas in the country where the herdsmen would take care of their cattle. “We will grow special grasses in the South to feed the cattle in the North, just as it is being practiced successfully in some parts of the world.’’ He said Nigeria was the only country in Africa in which cattle roamed about and trekked long distances to feed. He said that cows in Nigeria produced the least milk in the world despite having good breed. “They produce about one litre of milk per day per female cow, this is not good enough. “We are reducing their productivity level by making cattle to trek from Maiduguri to Lagos because too much of exercise affects their productivity. “We have good species of cows but we still spend N1.3 million to import milk to the country on a daily basis. “You are all aware of what is currently happening in my state, Benue. “We need to map out grazing areas fast as a temporary solution to the frequent conflicts until cattle owners see the need to adopt other means of rearing their cattle’’, he said. The minister also stressed the need for all year round farming in order to boost the sector and improve the country’s yield. “We need to develop more dams and canals across the country so that agriculture becomes an all year round activity and not confined to the rainy season alone. “Irrigation gives better yields because you can control the water supply level. We have a lot of dams across the country but are not put into proper use. “If we continue with the current rate of one crop per year with very low mechanisation, Nigerians risk not attaining self-sufficiency in food production soon. “We are also collaborating with the states to specialise in two crops they have comparative advantage in to improve productivity’’, he said. Ogbeh added that he would soon come out with a soil map of the country to enable farmers to know the type of fertiliser suitable for his/her farm and know how to apply same for good yield. He stated that a lot of activities were ongoing to make agriculture attractive to youths and for them to see it as a business. He said there were ongoing youth programmes at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and urged those interested in agriculture to make use of the opportunity. “We are working tirelessly to return Nigeria to where she was in the 60`s and 70`s by increasing extension services in every local government across the country.’’ The minister noted that the country had less than 300 tractors serving all the farmers while countries like Europe and USA were completely mechanised. He said from the statistics, there were 800 million hectares of farm land in the world with 400 million of the farm lands from Africa. He, however, stated that the Federal Government was working hard to reposition the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria and 19 research institutes across the

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