Mother killed her three daughters

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Carol Ann Coronado who was convicted of murdering her three young daughters, was sentenced Monday to life in prison without parole.
Coronado was found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder on Nov. 30, 2015 after a bench trial.
Coronado was arrested in May after her three young daughters – 2-year-old Sophia, 16 month-old Yazmine and 2-month old Xenia – were found dead in their home. Coronado slit their throats and stabbed them in the hearts with kitchen knives before laying them on a bed, prosecutor Emily Spear said. Prosecutors said Coronado killed her daughters to get back at her husband who wanted a divorce. "She hurt [her husband] the only way she can," Spear said during her closing argument in December. "She takes out his children." Spear said Coronado intended to also kill her husband too but was stopped by her mother, Julie Piercey, who discovered the girls' bodies and wrestled a butcher knife out of her daughter's hands before calling 911.
According to Spear, one of her daughters had an accident that day, smearing feces all over the bathroom wall. When Coronado's husband refused to help his wife clean up the mess, she lost her temper, according to Spear. "It was this potty accident that pushed her over the edge," she said. Coronado's husband doesn't blame his wife for her actions,"Right now, he's giving her the benefit of doubt," a relative told the paper. "He just said he didn't believe he saw Carol – he saw a demon inside her. He doesn't blame Carol. He blames the ... demon." According to Coronado's defense attorney Stephen Allen, Coronado's husband testified on his wife's behalf and visited her in jail. "He was very supportive throughout the trial because he knew it was not her Allen tells PEOPLE. "So he was very supportive, he visited her weekly and things like that," Allen continues. Coronado plead not guilty initially; after being convicted, she requested a sanity hearing, arguing she was not sane at the time of the killing, according to a statement released by the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office. But the judge rejected that argument. On behalf of Coronado, Allen has appealed the judge's decision. Allen says Coronado is in good spirits: "She's optimistic. She really never had any memory of the incident – she had a complete psychotic break. So we're hoping for the best."

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