War against same-sex marriage far from over

Abhorrent pratices like homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality and their pervasive influence on governance recently engaged the attention of Rev. Chris Okotie’s Fresh Democratic Party (FRESH) mainly because the western world is determined to brow beat the whole world into accepting this immorality as the new norm. As a long-standing member of the Pastor’s Household of God International Ministries, I listened to his insightful teachings on what he called the ‘cult of the beast’, a broad title he used to describe the power of homosexuality and those who engage in such pervasion on government and other institutions of society. You only need to observe the frenetic urgency with which western nations are embracing this trend, as if the growth of their economies is dependent on it. Maybe it indeed is!
Same-sex marriage is reminiscent of those who launder slush funds or black money from looted public treasuries, drug trafficking, illegal bunkering and illegal mining of precious stones. The ultimate aim of homosexuals is to control governments and fulfill Satan’s end-time objective, according to Rev. Okotie. The pastor-politician’s prediction in his book, The Last Outcast, that western nations would legalise same-sex marriage has come to pass, with its endorsement by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Expectedly, many western nations have followed suit. At the last count, about 17 nations have approved what the major religions—Christianity, Islam and Judaism—considered to be an abomination. Now, what makes the homosexuality cult different from other sexual pervasions like adultery, fornication, etc? Cults are usually associated with the religious, and as heterosexuality is God’s way of continuing the creative process, homosexuality and lesbianism are cult’s way of perverting it. One can, therefore, appreciate the warning the FRESH Party gave President Mohammadu Buhari to resist western pressure to bring Nigeria into the emerging club of same-sex nations in the world.
In The Last Outcast, Rev. Okotie brought to the notice of the world about 15 years ago that sodomy would become a new religion and why it would herald the unveiling of the Anti-Christ. Also, in an interview in Nigerian Compass of Monday, October 18, 2010, he told the reporter that “there are three levels of what I call the tripartite coalition of evil… We have elitism, satanism and mysticism. If you can understand these three, you will understand how politics works…” Yes, now we understand.
To exert pressure on dissenting nations, a spokesperson for the British High Commission countered Nigeria’s signing of the Anti-Gay Act, saying that the law “infringes upon fundamental rights of expression and association which are guaranteed by the Nigerian Constitution and by international agreements to which Nigeria is a party.” It was seconded by
U.S. Secretary of State, Sen. John Kerry, who said: “…It is inconsistent with Nigeria’s international legal obligations and undermines … democratic reforms and human rights protections.” This is the coalition of evil that Rev. Okotie is talking about.
The US, like its western counterparts, where incongruous practices like homosexuality are welcomed and embraced acts of institutionalised endorsement of the horrific trend, is an evidence of how strong the power of the Devil is on the world today. A cleric recently appeared in court facing charges for exercising his constitutional right to refuse honouring a gay marriage request, while a clerk was found guilty on the same charge in Kentucky, US, and has spent time in prison. This is the country that played a major role in the launch of the Pentecostal revival.
Here in Nigeria, our immediate concern is different, as the Act, which strengthens a previous Constitutional provision against sodomy, is under threat from forces within as much as from without. Despite the signing of the Act, and President Buhari’s uncompromising stance in defence of it, there is no contesting the fact that there are numerous secret adherents of these perversions in the corridors of power, corporate circles, citadels of learning and across different spheres of our nation, who are still ‘in the closet’. There is also its appeal which has been craftily infused into the global village with years of subtle advertisements in the media and with the political might of the western culture and economies.
This translates into the future possibilities of a Nigerian generation, government or leader upturning this Act to gain relevance in an already primed world. Our youthful generation, which consistently interacts with peers across the globe, is most susceptible to these obscenities, as they are more receptive of such liberal ideologies, especially via the mainstream and social media. Mr. President should not be lost on this fact. He should call the relevant authorities to task on ensuring that all avenues like movies, music and fashion, which western nations use to glamorize this perversion are regulated. That is why extreme measures like censoring the media and internet content to weed out offensive materials was being adopted by several countries like China, Sri Lanka and Russia.
In summary, it is instructive to refer to what Jesus Christ foretold over two millenia ago. He said: “… as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man… Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” That time is here, and we cannot be caught in its vortex. Rev. Okotie has sounded the warning, President Buhari has upheld the spirit of the Act; Nigerians must now take up the gauntlet for deviation from a course that will surely set man’s existence at odds with continuity.
  • Osewenghie Osagiede wrote in from Osun State.

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